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NNA pathway success through new Suncorp Netball Reserves Competition

Former Newcastle Netball Association representatives Hope White, Giants Academy Reserves, Dakota Thomas, Captain QBE Swifts Academy Reserves, and Tiffany Gilmour, Giants Academy Reserves Assistant Coach, competed in the first round of the new Suncorp Netball Reserves competition which took place last weekend in Melbourne, alongside Suncorp Super Netball games.


This new pilot program aims to bolster the high-performance pathway, support talent identification and provide additional match play for athletes on the cusp of Suncorp Super Netball.


We are so proud to highlight and share the journey and successes of our regional players, coaches and umpires as they progress through Netball Australia pathways, proving you can do it from a regional area!


We caught up with Hope, Dakota, Tiff and NNA umpire Alex Brown, who has been selected to umpire in this weekend’s round in Sydney, to reflect on their experiences and the new competition.


 'To be a part of the inaugural SN reserves competition (as an Assistant Coach) is very special. I’m always grateful for every opportunity given in this sport I love so much.


Our groups work ethic and commitment to training is second to none. To watch them step out onto John Cain arena and be rewarded for their effort was a very proud moment.


They have grown and built nicely as a team and displayed some really mature netball against the Melbourne Fury. You win or you learn and we took away some great learnings from round one. I’m excited to see them build throughout the season.'


Hope White reflects, 'it was such a great opportunity to be able to represent Giants Academy Reserves and to showcase everything that myself and the girls have been working hard on at training. It was a very exciting experience and I hope I get the privilege to do it again as I loved every moment!'


Captain of the QBE Swifts Academy Reserves Team, Dakota says '..Suncorp Netball Reserves is a great pathway for athletes that are above the underage nationals, post 21s squads and still playing netball to pursue a career as an SSN player.


It’s great to be able to participate in the trial run of the competition this year and to experience the old ANL competition. The travel, training and prep is an easier transition into the life of an SSN player which is also beneficial'


'I am really excited to have been invited to umpire the Super Netball Reserves competition - it is a fantastic opportunity where we will receive feedback from experienced and knowledgeable Netball Australia umpire coaches, and is another layer to gaining game experience at the next level in an elite netball setting.' Alex Brown.


There will be 5 rounds of competition with both teams and Alex in action this weekend at Ken Rosewall Arena (KRA).

With no local netball on this weekend and if you have the chance, get down to KRA to see SNR & SSN matches. (Ticketmaster).



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